You, the consignor, receive 50% of the selling price.
A $10.00 consignment fee will be deducted from your active account every 12 months.
Consignment period for clothing, accessories, and home décor is 90 days. These items are reduced by 25% after 75 days.
Consignment period for furniture is 8 months.
You are responsible for coming in to claim your unsold items after their consignment period has expired.
Please remember to retrieve your unsold items at the end of your consignment period. A 10 day grace period is given to reclaim your items, otherwise they may be donated or become the property of Our Blessings Consignment.
Payment Options
Payments are made upon request, anytime after two days from the selling date.
A $1.50 mailing fee will be deducted from all mailed check payments.
Money may be kept on account and used as a credit toward your in-store purchase anytime.
For payments under $20: cash will be issued. For payments over $20: a check will be issued.
Furniture Pick Up and Delivery Is Available!